Monday, December 26, 2011

Pack up the holidays that packed on the pounds!

The Holidays are finally over.  Everyone is thinking of the Fresh Start right around the corner and coming up with their resolutions.  Mine has been forced on me, I'm going Gluten Free.  Hurray?  I've never been much for making New Years' Resolutions because I've also never been one to keep them.  This year will be different because if I don't keep this one my body will punish me almost immediately. 
In October Mike and I began a homeopathic HGC inspired diet.  I lost 10 pounds, he's lost over 30 now.  This diet consisted of a breakfast 'shake' made with almond milk with lunch and dinners of 3 ounces lean meat and two cups of vegetables.  We were also given snacks of two pieces of fruit a day and a few almond crackers.  This diet is dairy, fat, carb and gluten free.  This is what began as the diagnosis for my for Celiac Disease. 
The first two weeks of this thing was miserable, going from eating rice, pasta and bread on almost a daily basis to not at all.  Also, I had to learn an entirely new way to cook!  Cooking without even non-stick spray or my favorite fat free half and half for creamy sauces was daunting but a challenge I eventually embraced. 
I adapted many of my regular recipes and developed some new ones.  I discovered some super substitutes and discovered new foods. 
While on this diet my doctor and I realized that my body was finally functioning the way it should.  We have discovered that if I'm going to have milk it should either be almond or organic, drug free dairy and that a gluten free diet has been what my body has been screaming for for years.  No wonder I've felt like crap for so long. 
Well, I'm on my way to becoming a healthier, happier, more fit person.  Through this diet change and taking up karate I already feel a little better.  I hope you join me on this journey of new discoveries in food.  And I promise that what I come up with will certainly stick to the 'No Cream of Crap' promise of healthy, delicious, budget friendly and quick to prepare recipes. 

1 comment:

Crusty said...

you join me on this journey of new discoveries
Count us in!